5 Must-Do Steps to Unlock Legends In Brawlhalla

brawlhalla how to unlock legends
brawlhalla how to unlock legends

Fighting games like Brawlhalla are well-known for the diversity of battles they provide. The game will feature a large cast of characters, and its designers want to ensure that it has something for everyone, both in terms of how it looks and how it plays.

They also want to ensure that players have the ability to switch between different characters so that the game’s overall experience is kept interesting. Brawlhalla is not an exception to this rule; the game currently has a total of 52 different playable characters that are collectively referred to as “Legends.”

How to Unlock Legends In Brawlhalla?

Because of the nature of fighting games, any hint of a pay-to-win structure will demolish this free-to-play game instantly. That’s why there aren’t any character enhancements for sale in the game that might affect the fairness of the fights.

Instead, every character starts off locked and must be unlocked before they can be used. Once you have the characters, the only other things you can purchase from the game’s stores are cosmetics like new outfits and weapons. You may also change the color of your name and the badges that represent your ranks, although doing so is mostly accomplished via ranked play and not through the purchase of any in-game cash.

One of the most efficient and fastest ways of unlocking BrawlHalla Legends is to collect as much coins as you can, and you need to do the following in order to unlock legends:

  1. You may play the game for fun and to earn some extra Gold by taking part in the Daily Missions, which are randomly assigned and vary every day.
  2. When you finish the tutorial, if you are a new player, you will get Gold. It’s a simple approach to give your beginning hero an early advantage.
  3. Daily logins also provide you with Gold in-game. If you don’t mind the annoyance of needing to log in every day, you’ll be rewarded with a little sum of money every day. And if you’re a frequent player, you don’t even have to travel out of your way for this!
  4. Weekly challenges, known as Brawl of the Week, are also available and are updated reliably every week. Those are more lucrative than the daily ones in terms of gold rewards, but they come around much less often.
  5. Just by playing the game, you may earn a little amount of money, and the more matches you play and win, the more gold you will earn. Even though this is the slowest technique, having it slowly accumulate is still fairly handy, particularly because new characters are periodically added to the game.

Once you have accumulated sufficient gold, you will be able to make your way to the store and purchase a character of your choosing. Even if you do end up purchasing all of the characters, it is still not a waste of time to earn additional Gold since, as I indicated earlier, the game is always being updated with new characters.

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