8 Easy Solutions To Blade And Soul Please Launch the Game Through the Launcher?

blade and soul please launch the game through the launcher
blade and soul please launch the game through the launcher

It may be quite stressful to try to troubleshoot Blade and Soul problem 3002, particularly when the issue keeps occurring over and over again. But don’t worry; if you follow these instructions, you’ll be able to get the game operating in no time at all, and then you can go right back to enjoying yourself without any interruptions!

Blade And Soul Please Launch the Game Through the Launcher Fix:

  1. Bluetooth

This is more of a flaw than it is a cause of the problem. It was clear to us that the launch of Blade and Soul was impossible on any machine so long as Bluetooth remained off. In this case, disabling or removing Bluetooth devices will solve the problem.

  1. Damage to The Client Configuration Blade and Soul

Like many games, Blade and Soul stores a client configuration for each user player. However, this data may get corrupted. You will not be able to run the game if this is corrupted in any way or if it is missing any of its required components.

  1. Corrupt Libraries and Folders

This was another prevalent theory as to why Blade and Soul would not run. The installation folder may have included corrupt libraries and directories. In most cases, resetting them to their default settings is helpful.

  1. Incomplete Version of the “Client.Exe” Executable:

Client.exe is the primary executable that is used to start the game. If your machine is missing this component, the game will not start at all. The GameGuard Folder the GameGuard Folder is a folder that includes a number of preventative measures that are intended for the game. There are occasions when this causes issues with the game, and uninstalling it might assist.

  1. Bad Manifest

Bad manifest is another typical issue that games on Windows, and this time it pertains to the manifest of game files located on your PC. If the manifest is missing any files or parameters on your system and is incomplete in some way, the game will not start. It’s possible that fixing the game will assist in this regard.

  1. Unpreventable Bugs

Launch issues We came across a rare scenario in which the game started instantaneously via the launcher but straight through its executable. This was one of the few instances in which we came across launch issues. This is something that would be considered a bug.

  1. Windows Defender Causing Issues with Launcher

Windows Defender is notorious for incorrectly marking certain files and directories as malicious, despite the fact that they are legitimate. It was noticed that it was contributing to the game in a number of ways that produced false positives. BNS Buddy is a well-known program that is used in the process of operating Blade and Souls.

The multi-client mode setting of the option might perhaps be of assistance. There are often two versions of a program, known as 32 bit and 64 bits, which differ by the number of bits they support. It is important that the bit size of your architecture is compatible with the bit size of Blade and Souls.

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