7 Steps To Fixing Blade And Soul Game Keeps Crashing

blade and soul game keeps crashing
blade and soul game keeps crashing

If you’re having issues with your Blade and Soul game, you’re not alone! There’s been plenty of problems with the game since it was released in early 2016, and even with so many updates and fixes, there are still some major bugs that players experience every day. This article will detail several issues that players have run into and how to fix them so you can play the game without it crashing or freezing constantly!

Fixing Blade And Soul Game Keeps Crashing:

  1. Check Antivirus Settings

Do you have a firewall or antivirus software? If so, make sure it is not blocking Blade and Soul from connecting. If you have changed your Windows Firewall settings to allow programs access, try turning it off again for a bit to see if that solves the problem.

  1. Close Unecassary Background Processes

Are there any running background programs that might be interfering with Blade and Soul’s performance? For example, are you using BitTorrent or Skype at the same time as playing Blade and Soul? These can put strain on your computer’s CPU, which in turn makes Blade and Soul crash. Try closing these other programs while you play Blade and Soul.

  1. Check PC Hardware

If the game still crashes when you close out all other tasks, then this means that something in your computer hardware may be malfunctioning or old enough to need replacement. You may want to contact your laptop manufacturer or check with a technician about upgrading some of the components on your computer before continuing to play Blade and Soul.

  1. Check Your Graphics Card Settings

Are you encountering a D3D_Initialize failed error? This means that your graphics card settings may be overworked, which can lead to Blade & Soul crashing. The easiest way to fix this is by either disabling certain elements in-game or upgrading your graphics card settings.

  1. Clear Your Cache

If you are encountering Blade and Soul crashes on your PC, one of the most common fixes is to clear your cache. You can find this in Windows by going into control panel, then system and security, then under administration choose to manage either individual or all programs. Go through each list and search for cache. Click on it once you find it and press delete. Follow these steps for both your internet browser’s cache as well as any other program that might have a cache. Reboot your computer when done clearing caches.

  1. Delete your config file

There is a possibility that the game is crashing due to the configuration file you are using. If that is the case, removing this file from your computer will solve the issue for you.

  1. Disable Any Addons

If Blade and Soul keep crashing, one of the first steps you should take is by disabling any addons you have. They may be interfering with a crucial element. If disabling your addons doesn’t work, start running an antivirus scan on your computer for viruses that may be interfering with game’s performance.

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