How To Split Screen In Project Zomboid (Complete Guide)

how to split screen project zomboid
how to split screen project zomboid

Project Zomboid tests players’ wits to the fullest, placing them into an unforgiving world crawling with zombies and various threats. Finding food, supplies, and more while surviving day after day is just as difficult as it sounds, and it only gets worse with each passing day. All of that sounds pretty stressful and intense, doesn’t it?

Well, that’s the fun of Project Zomboid! The game can get on your nerves, but it’s also really satisfying when you get into it. What can make it even more fun and a little easier is surviving with a friend playing with you!

How To Enable Split Screen In Project Zomboid

Split screen gaming has slowly died down more and more since the start of the 2010s. While it was a very common feature in video games at one point, there are barely any great split screen games to play anymore. Instead, developers took advantage of multiplayer gaming, so anyone could play together regardless of where they were from a screen of their own.

While Project Zomboid has a multiplayer mode that lets you play with friends, it also offers a split screen feature. That way, you and a buddy can enjoy the struggles of surviving in a stressful zombie world… sitting right beside each other!

Getting it set up isn’t that hard either. In most cases, the most you’ll need is an extra controller that player 2 can use to join the game. Plug the controller in and then launch the game. Everything will go as it normally does. Once you’re on the main menu, hop into a world.

Now, player 2 won’t automatically be in the game. You’ll need to press X or A on the controller (depending on whether you’re using a PlayStation controller or an Xbox one). After this, your friend should be in the game with you.

However, on the rare chance that it wasn’t that simple for you, it could be a problem with Project Zomboid’s settings. Sometimes, the game doesn’t immediately recognize devices like extra controllers. That’s often the case if it’s your first time using one. So, pause the game and head over to settings so you can enable the setting controller.

To do this, go to the options menu after pausing the game. There’ll be a section for joypads here. Click on it and you’ll be able to see a list of controllers. Check the ones you’re using to play Project Zomboid and apply your changes. Head back into the game and press X or A. You’ll be able to play the game in split screen mode with a friend from here on out.


Going through the steps mentioned above is all you need to start playing Project Zomboid in split screen. Make sure to follow each thing and then you can get everything set up in only a few moments!

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