Watch Dogs Legion, the latest instalment in the Watch Dogs franchise, has received many accolades and awards since its release in March 2019. However, some players have been experiencing issues with the game’s performance and stability, including Watch Dogs Legion crashing during play or not starting at all on certain devices. Here are some of the most common reasons why this might be happening, along with some tips to try if you’re experiencing these problems yourself.
Why Does Watch Dogs Legion Keep Crashing?
- Clean Up Your Game Files
One reason Watch Dogs Legion might be crashing is because of corrupted or outdated game files. To fix this, you can try deleting the game files and then redownloading and reinstalling the game. This will ensure that you have the most up-to-date version of the game and that any corrupt files have been replaced.
- Update Your Video Card Drivers
One of the most common reasons for Watch Dogs Legion crashing is outdated video card drivers. If you’re experiencing crashes, the first thing you should do is update your drivers. You can usually find the latest drivers on your video card manufacturer’s website. For NVIDIA cards, you can also use the GeForce Experience app to automatically update your drivers.
- Verify Game File Integrity
One of the first things you should do if Watch Dogs Legion is crashing is to verify the game files. This can be done through Steam. Right-click on Watch Dogs Legion in your Steam Library and select Properties. In the window that pops up, go to the Local Files tab and click Verify Integrity of Game Files. Steam will now check your game files and make sure they’re all there and up-to-date. If any files are missing or corrupt, Steam will re-download them.
- Turn Off In-Game Overlays
Many players have found that turning off in-game overlays can help reduce the frequency of crashes in Watch Dogs Legion. Overlays are often resource-intensive, and running them while also trying to run a game can put a strain on your computer. If you’re not using an overlay for a particular game, it’s best to just turn it off. You can usually find the option to do this in the overlay’s settings menu.
- Clear Your RAM
One of the most common reasons why Watch Dogs Legion may be crashing is because your RAM is full. When your RAM is full, it doesn’t have any space to work with, which can lead to all sorts of problems. The good news is that clearing your RAM is relatively easy. Just follow these steps Open Task Manager and select Processes from the tab list on the left side. Find the process called explorer. Right-click on it and select End Process Tree. Now find the process called csrss.exe and right-click on it, too. Select End Process Tree. It should ask you if you want to restart now or later; click on Restart Later so you don’t lose anything important while you’re out and about!