Why Does Escape from Tarkov Run So Poorly? (4 Possible Reasons)

why does escape from tarkov run so poorly
why does escape from tarkov run so poorly

Escape From Tarkov is not one of the most well-optimized games currently available on the market. Many would consider it one of the most poorly optimized games available right now, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t steps you can take to improve your gaming experience and make Escape from Tarkov run better on your system. If you’re wondering why Escape from Tarkov runs so poorly and what you can do about it, check out this guide to everything you need to know about running Escape from Tarkov on your PC smoothly!

Why Does Escape from Tarkov Run So Poorly?

  1. This Game Is Poorly Optimized

The simple answer to this question is that it’s poorly optimized by the developers. The optimization of a game means how well a game utilizes the PC components to provide the best possible gaming experience and frames per second. The better the game is optimized the more it’ll use the maximum potential of a gaming PC.

Escape from Tarkov is built on Unity Engine, which for its time is a great engine having been released back in June 2005, but the real problem with this engine is that it’s outdated for modern standards. For a game like EFT, it requires a massive open world which Unity could do well with its outdated and hard-to-code. There are many bugs and glitches throughout the game only because of an old engine, though they can always try to optimize it.

  1. The Game is in Early Access/Beta

Another reason the Escape from Tarkov runs so poorly is that it’s not a final finished product. Though it’s available to preorder and after buying, you’ll be given access to the Beta version of the game. That is a major reason for Espace from Tarkov to run so poorly on even decent spec computers. For the folks who’re looking to play this game while in its Beta state, having a mid-range PC, it’s recommended to wait for the final release. The developers of this game hinted at releasing this game on Steam when it comes out of Beta, so keep an eye on their Twitter handle.

  1. Your PC Doesn’t Meet Recommended Requirements

This is a major reason why Escape from tarkov runs poorly for some people. Although people with decent computers are also struggling to hit 100 frames they’re playing this game fine for the most part apart from a few hiccups and bugs here and there. But, if you don’t meet their recommended PC requirements then, you shouldn’t be bothered playing this game in the 1st place. So, make sure you meet their system requirements to be able to play with fewer hiccups and FPS drops.

  1. The Game is Resource Heavy

This is most probably the reason why it runs so poorly for the majority of the PC player base. As mentioned above, this game is developed on Unity which is an old engine and isn’t well optimized for newer generation PC hardware. The massive open world, assets, and texture the developers have thrown at this game are immeasurable and are very taxing on the Unity engine, so as a result, the game runs poorly for even high-end computers.

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