Why Is Ranked Locked In Apex Legends Mobile?

why is ranked locked apex legends mobile
why is ranked locked apex legends mobile

With the game’s success on a massive scale across all gaming platforms, Respawn has recently announced Apex Legends for mobile phones as well. The version is already in the beta stage where many players are enjoying playing the game on their smartphones. On top of that, players can even play ranked mode on their phones. However, most of these players have mentioned the ranked queue being locked in the menu. In case you are also wondering why is ranked locked in Apex Legends mobile, then here are the things that you should know:

Why Is Ranked Locked In Apex Legends Mobile?

1. Unlocking Ranked Mode

To unlock ranked mode on Apex Legend mobile, players have to complete a specific requirement and reach level 10. As the ranked mode is a complete playlist, where players participate to compete with their skills, having completely new players on ranked mode isn’t ideal.

This is why players must at least reach level 10 as they should at least be comfortable with the gameplay and mechanics until then. So, if you see the ranked mode being locked on the play menu, chances are that you might not have reached the required level to play the game mode. All you have to do is to play a few matches and reach level 10 after which you should be able to queue ranked mode.

2. Playing During the Unlocked Time Frame

In various regions of the world, Respawn has locked ranked mode and only made it available during a specific time frame. This is done to avoid getting too many cheaters in the queue, especially when the game is still in the early stages of development.

For global players, the time frame at which they should be able to play ranked queue is from 8 AM to midnight GMT. During the nighttime, the ranked queue is fully locked as is done to avoid cheaters and bots from joining the game.

3. Contacting Support

If you are still having a hard time getting the ranked queue unlocked, then your only other option would be to get in touch with the support team. Let them know all about how your ranked mode is locked and you haven’t been able to unlock it even after reaching level 10.

Likewise, they should let you know the reason why you are unable to unlock the mode on your mobile.

The Bottom Line:

Why is ranked locked in Apex Legends mobile? To prevent complete beginners to join a competitive queue such as ranked mode, players must reach at least level 10 before they can unlock this particular mode in their game. Apart from that, it is also possible that the ranked mode might have been disabled due to some technical issue at hand.

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