6 Ways To Fix Scavengers Friend Invite Not Working

The reviews behind this game might be a bit neutral, but some players have had great things to say about this title. It is one of the most fun casual titles that you will find on this platform. However, there are still a few bugs that you will have to maneuver through to get the … Read more

How To Turn Off Auto Level in Game Playing Smite? (General, PS4)

Have you ever found yourself becoming annoyed by the fact that “Smite” pits you against opponents that are substantially more skilled than you are? You’re not alone! If you deactivate the auto-level feature, however, “Smite” will allocate matches to your team based on the level of its average player rather than on how much experience … Read more

4 Troubleshoot Tips For Smite Black Screen In Game

There are a lot of things that might cause your screen to go black when you’re playing Smite. We are fortunate to have a number of solutions at our disposal to fix this problem and get you back into the action as quickly as possible. The loading screen for Smite often becomes dark, although this … Read more

6 Steps To Fixing Smite Game Freezes for A Second

If you’ve ever played Smite you’ve probably noticed that, at times, the game just freezes for about 5-10 seconds. This can be frustrating if it happens at an inopportune time, like when you’re in the middle of fighting an enemy, but luckily it can be fixed with no more effort than restarting the game. If … Read more

5 Methods To Solve Smite Disconnecting Every Game

There’s nothing worse than spending all day playing Smite and having it disconnect on you every game. From FPS drops to wifi problems, there are a number of ways your game can disconnect before the end of the match. Luckily, there are some troubleshooting steps you can take to fix this problem once and for … Read more

Failed To Create D3D9 Device Smite Game? (5 Solutions)

Smite, Hi-Rez Studios’ free-to-play third-person multiplayer online battle arena game, has both a detailed wiki page and an active online community that can provide helpful information when something goes wrong with your computer or the game. In this guide to troubleshooting failed to create D3D9 device errors in Smite, you’ll find information on the best … Read more

5 Fixes For Smite A Copy Of The Game Is Already Running

Before beginning the game again, it is recommended to exit the Smite programme first in order to prevent any problems from occurring; nevertheless, there are situations when this is not feasible. If you try to start the game and get an error notice that states A copy of the game is already running when you … Read more

5 Troubleshoot Steps For Halo Infinite Match Not Counting

Nothing is more annoying than grinding out all day just to find out that the majority of matches that you played didn’t add to the season’s progress. Many players have brought forward this issue with Season 2 in HALO Infinite, and these users were extremely disappointed with the game. If you’re in a similar boat … Read more

Halo Infinite No Audio Behind (5 Methods To Solve)

Audio issues in any shooting game will bring a huge handicap to your gaming experience. This is especially true for HALO Infinite, and you’ll find a ton of players complaining about HALO Infinite No Audio Behind. While this issue is mostly related to the audio drivers, the game might also be at fault here. So, … Read more

6 Fast Solutions To Halo Infinite Armor Not Loading

The engaging gameplay brought forward by HALO infinite has players in awe as they queue up for the next-gen experience. From basic mechanics to graphics, this game has enabled players with a complete title. So, you should consider spending your money on this title if you like HALO games. The only issue that has been … Read more